Infertility: She Will be the Strongest Mother
She has a special place for her unborn child in her heart
To become a good mother with empty arms is an art
Those injections and surgeries left a big bruise
And there she waits and prays for one good news
Oh darling, please realize the power you endure
To hide that grief and to believe faith is the cure
The society is so cruel who labelled her as cursed
They burdened her with pain that can't be versed
How long will they take to realize a mother's worth?
That it's something more than the concept of birth.
Female Foeticide
She may be small
But she has feelings too
She is wondering what was her fault?
That she wasn’t a boy?
She will still love you the same
She will still bring you fame
Let her be born
Let the world pamper her
Let the world watch her ascend the throne.
- Varada
Infertility: Why don't people understand that motherhood is something more than the concept of birth. A woman who can't give birth to a child can also be a good mother. And she will be the strongest mother too.
Biography: I am Varada, from India. I just finished my graduation. I love to read and write. I started posting my writings on my instagram pages: elixirofthoughts, shethepoetess. I strongly believe that self love is everything and everyone should realize that self love is a journey different to everyone.
Instagram: @elixirofthoughts
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