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Reflection of Inner Self

In times of crisis and strife, we need to take time to reflect on ourselves in order to muster the courage and strength to hang on. Only then, can we grow stronger.

By uncovering this reflection of myself, I hope to convey that it is ok to not be okay. More than ever before, we need to be able to express our innermost thoughts and emotions in order to create a happier, more connected world with more love and empathy.



Jacqueline Wu (16) is a writer and artist from Long Island, New York. She is involved with her acclaimed school magazine, Cinnabar, and other magazines like TeenMind and ReadThis. She has received several writing and art awards, including the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. Jacqueline enjoys painting and playing the viola, and hopes to continue to empower through her words. You can find her on instagram (@jacquelinewu96).


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